A faculty member recently posed a fabulous question:

"Is there a way to make a graded Discussion Forum available so that students can see their previous posts without allowing them to post again? In other words, I’ve graded the forum, and I don’t want to give the students the opportunity to post again, but I would like for them to see their previous work. "

Yes! You can change the "Allow Members to Create New Threads" at the forum level and "Lock" all previously created threads.

Steps for changing the creation of new threads:

  1. Click the Discussions link in your course which will take you to the main Forum screen.

  2. Hover next to the title of the forum you wish to make changes in to make a chevron appear:
  3. Click the chevron and select Edit from the drop-down menu:
    Drop-down menu with Edit selected
  4. Scroll down to the Forum Settings area, and click the radio button next to Standard View:
    Forum Settings with Standard View selected
  5. Scroll down to the "Create and Edit" section of Forum Settings and uncheck the Allow Members to Create New Threads box:
    Allow Members to Create New Threads box
  6. Click Submit.

Steps for Locking Previously Created/Graded Threads:

  1. Click on the Forum in which you wish to make the threads a view only style.

  2. Click the box at the top to select all:
    Box in top row checked
  3. Click the Thread Actions button at the top (or bottom).

  4. Select Lock from the dropdown menu:
    Dropdown menu with Lock selected
  5. Here's what a thread looks like once you've clicked Lock (notice it says "Published - Locked" which means students can't add/create additional replies/posts):
    Status column next to thread with Published - Locked selected