Some sites, usually organizations, are set up for self-enrollment.

To self-enroll

Excerpt from Blackboard menu showing Courses and Organizations options1.  Click on either the Courses or Organizations link on the Institutional page of Blackboard.

2. Click on the Course Catalog or Organization Catalog link. 

course catalog linkOrganization Catalog link

(NOTE: Look at the top of the page to find these links. They aren't obvious.)

3. Type the name of the site you are searching (in this case we are searching for an orientation) and click Go:

search Catalog

4.  Hover next to the Organization/Course ID, and click the chevron (down arrow) that appears:
chevron that you click on to enroll

5. Click the Enroll button from the dropdown menu that appears:  You may be asked for an access code.  The administrator of the site will give you this code.
"Enroll" button

6. Click Submit.

You are now enrolled.  The organization/course will now appear on your Organizations or Courses  page