Create a Test or Survey

Control Panel > Course Tools > Tests, Surveys, and Pools > Tests or Surveys

  1. On the Tests page, select Build Test.  
  2. On the Test Information page, type a name. Optionally, provide a description and instructions.  
  3. Select Submit.  
  4. On the Test Canvas, from the Create Question menu, select a question type.
  5. On the Create/Edit page, provide the necessary information to create a question.
  6. Select Submit
  7. When you have added all the questions you need, select OK. The test is added to the list on the Tests page and is ready to make available to students.
  8. The next section explains how to add new questions exactly where you want them.


Add questions to an existing test or survey


You can add new questions exactly where you want them on the Test or Survey Canvas. Select the plus sign before or after another question and choose a question type.


  Example of the Test Canvas


You can also change the value for individual questions as needed.


Reorder questions

Questions are numbered automatically in the order you add them. The question numbers update when you reorder or randomize them. To prevent confusion, don't use numbers to reference other questions within the test.

  Test Canvas with Reorder: Questions form


On the Test or Survey Canvas, you can use the drag-and-drop function to reorder questions. Press the arrows next to a question and drag it to a new location.

Or, select the Keyboard Accessible Reordering icon. Select a question and use the Move Up and Move Down icons following the Items box to adjust the order.

Only new test attempts are affected by the changed order if the test isn't set to display questions in random order. Students who have already made submissions see the original order.


  Test Canvas example


You can also change the value for individual questions as needed.