Here are the steps to setup a second submission.

To have access to the Grade, Clear and Ignore Attempt actions, you first must go to the grade center from Control Panel > Grade Center > Full Grade Center.

After you have accessed the grade center, click the drop-down arrow next to the submission attempt you wish to select.

Closeup of the dropdown arrow

Then select the View Grade Details button from the pop-up menu.

View Grade Details button

After clicking the View Grade Details button you will be taken to the next page where you can perform various actions on the assignment as described below.

Screenshot showing actions that can be performed on an assignment

1. Exempting a grade exempts the score of the assignment from Grade Center calculations. To exempt a student's grade, click the Exempt button. After clicking the exempt button the button's name will change to Remove Exemption allowing you the ability to remove the exempt action if necessary.

Remove Exemption button

2. Click on the View Attempts button to view the student's answers.

3. a. Click on the Grade Attempt button to give your student a grade on the assignment. The button is denoted with an "a" in the picture. You will be taken to the content that was turned in and be able to assign points.

b. Click on the Clear Attempt button to permanently delete the attempt made by student. The button is denoted with a "b" in the picture. Caution! This action cannot be undone.

Warning: Delete this attempt? This action is final and cannot be undone. Cancel and OK buttons.

c. Click on the Ignore Attempt button to ignore a student's attempt. When choosing Ignore Attempt, student will be able to submit the assignment or test again; however, unlike Clear Attempt, his/her previous attempt will be kept in case you need it in the future. After performing the ignore action, the button's name will change to Do Not Ignore Attempt allowing you to undo the ignore action if necessary.

Three buttons: Grade Attempt, Clear Attempt, and Do Not Ignore Attempt

4. When you are finished simply click the Return to Grade Center button if you wish to return to the Grade Center. Otherwise, you can navigate to another page or module on blackboard.

If you wish to give an additional attempt to a student for any reason, you can also do so from the grade details of the submission.

Grade Details area