Sometimes an instructor will only want certain columns included in the Grade Center calculations. I used this method when I did a course copy and forgot to delete several assignments which were linked to a third party vendor. I could not delete the columns in the grade book so I set up a category to only include the columns that I wanted in the Grade Center calculations.


1. Click Manage and then click Categories

The Manage menu in the Grade Center

2. Click Create Category and give the category a name

The Create Category option

3. Click Submit after you have named your category

4. Then go back to Manage and click Column Organization

The Manage menu again


5. Select the columns that you wish to include in your newly created category and then click Change Category to and select the category. 

The Create Category to... button

6. Go to your final grade column in your grade center and edit the column.

7. From include in total click, selected columns and categories.

8. Move the category over that you created in the selected columns side. 

9. Then click Submit.

The Select Columns area