When you create an assignment, expand the Submission Details section. Select how many attempts to allow and which score to use in the Grade Center.

Submission Details box with Last Graded Attempt selected

For example, if you allow three attempts, you can select one of these scores:

  • Last Graded Attempt—the default
  • Highest Grade
  • Lowest Grade
  • First Graded Attempt
  • Average of Graded Attempts

The Grade Assignment page

The Grade Assignment page

  1. On the Grade Assignment page, the number of attempts submitted appears next to a student's name.
  2. Students can view the attempt used for the final score, such as last graded attempt or the average of all graded attempts.
  3. Select the Attempt menu to view other attempts.

After you select an attempt, type a grade and feedback, and submit.

More on assignment inline grading

Allow additional attempts

If a student has submitted the maximum number of attempts for an assignment, you can allow an additional attempt.

The Grade Details page

In the Grade Center, access a cell's menu and select View Grade Details. The Grade Details page appears.

Allow Additional Attempt only appears if a student has already submitted the maximum number of attempts allowed for that assignment. You can continue to offer opportunities to resubmit attempts each time a student reaches the maximum number. You don't have to grade previous attempts to allow a student to submit again.

When an assignment is in an anonymous state, you can still grant a student an additional attempt. You can view student names, but not their submissions or how many attempts are left. Your request is ignored if attempts remain.

Alternatively, select Ignore Attempt to ignore the attempt's score in grade calculations and not count it against the maximum number of attempts.

To see each submission, go to your Full Grade Center, and find the column associated with the assignment. Click the chevron there to see each submission and the date submitted.

The Full Grade Center with an arrow pointing to the chevron in the student's cell and an Attempt selected