Adding the Course Feedback Survey to your Blackboard course

Note: The link you create in Blackboard is a student tool. Faculty cannot access the Course Surveys using the Blackboard integration. Survey results are available to faculty after the course ends. Faculty can access results by going to the Instructor dashboard in Qualtrics.

The Blackboard Fall course sites were created before the Qualtrics tool was available, so faculty who desire a link to the Feedback Survey will need to add it to the Course Menu manually.

  1. Click the Add Menu Item (+) button at the top of Course Menu.
  2. Select Tool Link in the dropdown menu.
  3. Put "Course Feedback Survey" in the Name field.
  4. Select "Course Feedback" for the Type.
  5. Check "Available to Users" if you are ready for students to view the link.
  6. Click "Submit."

Watch a demonstration video or read the tutorial PDF.  For more information or questions, contact Institutional Research at or 918-595-7925.