Please note: as of Safari 13.1, third-party cookies are blocked by default. This has led to an issue where Safari may not support interaction between Panopto and an LMS without first enabling third-party cookies. Panopto is working to correct this issue; however, we are recommending that Safari users enable third-party cookies at this time. To learn more, please visit How Do I Enable Third Party Cookies in Supported Browsers?: Enable Third Party Cookies in Safari for assistance. For more information, visit Webkit's article: Full Third-Party Cookie Blocking and More.

1. Open Safari and go to the left-hand corner. Expand the Safari menu and select Preferences from the drop down menu that appears.

Safari menu, with Preferences highlighted by a red box. 

2. Navigate to the Privacy Tab and make sure "Prevent cross-site tracking" is unchecked. 

Privacy settings menu. On it, 'Prevent cross-site tracking' is highlighted by a red box and appears deselected.