Blackboard Original view

Embed H5P content in an item

Go to the Content Area where you want to add your H5P content. For this example, we'll go to Unit 1.

The Course Menu on the left-hand side in Blackboard, showing Course Menu links: Announcements, Information, Faculty Profile, Syllabus Attachment, Unit 1, and Content. A red arrow points to Unit 1, where a cursor shaped like a hand is also pointing to Unit 1.

Click on Build Content to expand the menu, then choose Item.

The right-hand side of the Blackboard window, showing Unit 1 at the top, then a menu with Build Content highlighted and a red arrow pointing to it. In the Create menu, Item is highlighted and surrounded with a red rectangle.

Give your item a title, and add any other content you want in the editor. Use the the Add Content button (a circle with a plus sign in it) to add your H5P module where you want it to go.

The Blackboard editor, with a red arrow pointing to the Add Content icon (a plus sign in a circle). Text in the editor includes an H1 that says "Frog Quiz" and text instructions for the H5P module.

The content menu will pop up. Scroll down to Additional Tools > H5P

The pop-up content menu, showing Additional Tools. H5P is highlighted with a red rectangle around it.

The LTI will launch and connect to H5P. You'll see a list of your content. Choose the module you want to embed and click the green Insert button. 

A window showing content that the instructor has created in H5P. Each item has a green Insert button.

Your H5P content will be embedded in the Blackboard editor. 

The Blackboard editor with a selected H5P module embedded.

Note that you can edit it right from here! Click on the Edit button at the upper left to open your H5P module and edit it. 

A closeup of the editor with an H5P module embedded. The Edit button at the top left of the editor is highlighted with a red rectangle.

You can add other options, just as with any other content item. When you're finished, click the Submit button (if your H5P content has a Submit button, like this one does, be sure to click the Blackboard Submit button!). 

A closeup of the Blackboard editor with a red arrow pointing to the Submit button. There is a red circle with a line through it over the Submit button on the H5P activity.

Your item will be added at the bottom of the Content Area.

A closeup of a content item as it shows in the content area, with a purple band on the left side and a cross-shaped cursor

Add H5P content as an item

Go to the Content Area where you want to add your H5P content. Again, we'll go to Unit 1.

The Course Menu on the left-hand side in Blackboard, showing Course Menu links: Announcements, Information, Faculty Profile, Syllabus Attachment, Unit 1, and Content. A red arrow points to Unit 1, where a cursor shaped like a hand is also pointing to Unit 1.
Click on Build Content to expand the menu, then choose H5P.

The middle window in Blackboard, title Unit 1. The Build Content menu is open with a red arrow pointing to it. H5P is selected in the menu.

The LTI will launch and connect to You'll see your created content. Choose the H5P item you want to add, and click the Insert button:

A window showing content that the instructor has created in H5P. Each item has a green Insert button.

Your H5P item will be added at the bottom of your content area. If you want to move it, hover over the left-hand edge of the row until it turns purple and the cursor turns to a crossbar, then click and drag it to a new spot. 

A closeup of an H5P item added directly to the list of items in the Content Area. There is a purple bar on the left-hand side and the cursor is a crossbar. Text says "Click here and drag" with an arrow pointing to the cursor. When a viewer clicks on the underlined title, it will launch your H5P module.

Blackboard Ultra view

Watch this space! Instructions for Ultra will be added soon.