In Blackboard Original, the course menu can be collapsed to make more space on the screen for viewing content. When the course menu is collapsed, it stays that way until it is expanded – even if you log off Blackboard and log back in. 

Collapse the Course Menu 

Hover anywhere at the right edge of the Course Menu and click on the "less than" arrow (<) in the space between the menu and the content area. 



Expand the Course Menu 

Hover over the blue area to make a “greater than” arrow (>) appear and click on the "greater than" arrow at the left edge of the content area. 



 Missing Course Menu 

When you enter some areas of the course, the course menu may automatically collapse. If you close your browser with the course menu collapsed, it will still be collapsed when you next enter the course site. 


When you don't see the course menu, always look for the "greater than" arrow on the left side of the window and use it to expand the course menu.